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English Corner;Some people call Gen Z as Internet Generation

Some people call Gen Z as Internet Generation. Why is it so? They are actively involved in exploring the internet to interconnect globally especially for commerce, mass communication and mass media. One of them is In...
English Corner; The Maestro is the name of the English Club at SMA Negeri Arjasa

The Maestro is the name of the English Club at SMA Negeri Arjasa. This extracurricular activity is attended by students of SMA Arjasa who enjoy the English language. Many activities are carried out, such as games, n...
Jangan Takut Menulis: Langkah Pertama Menuju Karya Besar

Oleh: Endah Sulistywati, Pengajar Bahasa Indonesia Menulis adalah keterampilan yang sangat penting, terutama di tingkat pendidikan menengah atas (SMA). Di tingkat SMA siswa dipersiapkan untuk memasuki dun...